Sunday, November 08, 2009

God of This City

I moved from OKC after living in the area since my early twenties.  It was huge to leave my friends and start over in a new community.  A few Sundays after I'd gotten here, I sat in my kid's church wondering how long it would take me to settle in to a new life, new city, new church...etc.  I questioned if God could use me here.  As I sat in the service, they sang a song called "God of This City."   As the words pierced my heart, the tears flowed.  I tried to look very inconspicuous as the floodgate of emotion splashed down my face onto my Bible.  God's presence was sweet and His encouragement strong.  I knew He wasn't through with me yet.
    Today, a few months later, I sat in my new church.  The music minister told the story of the writing of "God of this City."  Again, I was blessed even more.  I came home and researched and found a link to the story on UTUBE.  You'll be blessed to if you watch this story and then listen to the whole thing.   Chris Tomlin has recorded it.  Thank you, Lord, for Your Mercy and Love.  Thank you for Your faithfulness.