Friday, April 20, 2007

Overcoming My Fears!

My friends all know that I am directionally challenged. I have blamed it on growing up in the hills and hollows of Southern Mississippi. I never remember hearing anyone refer to directions such as north, south, east or west. From my home eight miles out in the country, I recall places being referred to as "lets go down to town, over to the store, up to the church, and out to my brother's." Consequently, I find it difficult to know my directions unless the sun is distinctly in the East or West. So recently it came as a shock to me, my friends and my family when I decided to drive myself from Oklahoma to Mississippi. Since my husband's death, I have made all of my journey's by plane but the flights to Mississippi have gotten very tiring. With a three hour lay over in Houston and a 11/2 hour drive from Jackson to my mom's home, it only takes about 2 hours longer to make the drive. Since my mom has gone into a nursing home recently, I have tried to make the trip more often. So armed with a navigational devise, the Purpose Driven Life on CD, and insured with State Farm & AAA, I launched out on my first ever long road trip by myself. It was interesting, because that was one of the things that I would have never dreamed that I would attempt, but I felt it was one of the things God was prompting me to trust Him with. I drove half way the first day and stopped and checked into a motel that evening. It felt strange doing that alone but at the same time it also felt somewhat empowering. I arrived at my mom's the next day around 3 p.m. I had successfully completed the first leg of the trip! I enjoyed visiting my mom until late that day and was then able to visit with her on Sunday, and Monday morning before I headed back to Oklahoma. The whole trip, I only got lost once....then because I didn't know how to put the space in the word "Little Rock" on the navigational device. I listened to the whole book on my journey and parts of it twice. It was such a blessed time, and I know now I can go wherever He calls me to go. Another fear conquered! Another task done in His strength! What else do you want me to do Lord? I am ready!

1 comment:

Sue Ferguson said...

And, just think, you're doing it again! Congratulations! God is good!