Sunday, July 25, 2010

Life Is Short

The Bible says that life is but a vapor and that's the truth.  As a young girl, it seemed that this life was it. Death and the end of this life seemed so far away that I didn't give it much thought.  Now I know that on a timeline that extends thru Eternity(no end), our days on earth can barely be counted, compared to that endless life in Eternity----Eternity is forever and forever and forever.  Yet, what decisions we make in this brief life about Who Jesus is effects our whole Eternity.  God paid a huge price to redeem us. Our part is to believe in Him, accept what He did for us, and walk in the freedom He brings us.  In this short life, that choice will effect our destiny for Eternity and the destiny of possibly thousands.  He chose me and I've answered, "Yes."  He chose you too before the foundation of the world. Have you called on His name to forgive you of your sins and be your God?  He loves you and died for you, too.  Say "yes." to Him, if you haven't already.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lessons Learned Along The Way

  1. Life is short. Nothing, nothing, nothing is forever: Embrace today & count your blessings.
  2. Jesus Christ is the only One Who is the same today, tomorrow, and forever. He will never change and neither will His Word.
  3. Life may not seem fair, but it is still good. Praise Him no matter what.
  4. ‘Do the next thing’, no matter how simple that next step is.  You can do this!
  5. Keep moving forward and choose to let go of the pain.
  6. Your spiritual gifting will bring energy and joy - Learn what energizes you then use those gifts daily.
  7. Grief should only be for a season, don’t get stuck.
  8. Don’t let anyone push you to do something that doesn’t feel right in your heart....No Peace, don’t do it. It’s not right for you.
  9. God loves you...PERIOD. He won’t love you less when you fail or more when you think you’ve done it right.
  10. Painful things are stepping stones to growth and will make you better if you don’t allow them to make you bitter. He can use it all but only you can choose to give Him the broken pieces of your life.
  11. BE ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING! Anxiety will rob you of your health, your joy, and ultimately your life.
  12. You’re never too old to change and grow - Let the Holy Spirit direct your path out of pain and darkness. It's an attitude.