Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Miss the Little Things!

Written 18 months after my husband died
Sometimes I think it is the little things that I miss the most. It’s been 18 months now since my husband exchanged he cancer-ridden body for his new tent. I am happy for him…. as I sing praises on Sunday mornings, I can see in my minds eye him standing strong and whole in the presence of the King. I can just see him in a sea of Believers with a huge smile on his face. That is such a comfort to me…but how I miss all the little things. I miss his presence on the cold winter nights as I crawl into bed…. he always said, “don’t stick those size nines to me”….then he would laugh and shudder as I stuck my cold feet to his legs (they weren't size nines either!) I miss the toilet seat being left up. I used to gripe at him for leaving it up because if I got up in the night, I'd fall in!. What I'd give to have that toilet seat left up one more time. I miss his arm around my shoulders as we sat in church together and his off key singing. I miss having him come in and take the lid off whatever I had cooking on the stove and then after he gave it his taste test, telling me what seasoning it needed. I miss his laugh, it was infectious. I miss the sound of him shuffling down the tiled hallway barefooted. I miss his telephone calls….they were never lengthy, just fairly often during the day. I miss sharing the joy of the grandbabies exploits and the pride in seeing our son succeed. I miss taking a walk together in the cool of the day. I miss being able to confide in him my hurts and my concerns and having him do the same with me. I miss making decisions together and rolling stuff off of him for his opinion. I just miss him. But as I contemplate how much I miss him, I can also say once again how thankful I am that I was loved by a Godly man and able to walk beside him for almost 33 years. I truly do miss all the little things!

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